Chronic Diseases
Lupus Warrior
My name is Shadé Mallory and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) in August 2019....
By Tiara Brown
Chronic Diseases
Diabetes: A Danger to Cognitive Functioning
Nearly 50% of black women born in the year...
Chronic Diseases
The Impact of Healthcare Provider Blind Spots
Autoimmune diseases affect approximately 8% of the population. Lupus...
Chronic Diseases
The Heart-Breaking Disease that is Killing Our Black Women
September 17th, 2004 was the worst day of my...
Chronic Diseases
Lifestyle is Our First Defense in Prevention of Chronic Disease
As a recent family nurse practitioner graduate and nurse...
Chronic Diseases
How Choosing A Clinician of Color Changed My Life
I winced. I writhed. I expressed that she was...
Women's Day: This is an event
August 9, 2023 | 8:48pm
Black LGBTQ+ Health Matters : Navigating the Healthcare System
October 28, 2022 | 2:47pm
Coloring the Lines of Autoimmune Disease: Visib-ILL-ity
October 27, 2022 | 6:20pm
Chronic Diseases
A Day in the Life of a Sickler: Crisis in the ER
Growing up as a child with sickle cell didn’t prepare...
Chronic Diseases
How to Practice Self-Care During COVID-19 as a Black, Female Professional
Right now, you may be experiencing some anxiety, depression, or...
Chronic Diseases
COVID-19: The Reawakening of Blackness
COVID-19, the straw that broke the racist back of America....